Topıc Modelıng Analysıs Of NGO’s Twıtter Postıngs Between 2020-2021 In Turkey Wıthın The Context Of Clımate Change Communıcatıon


The climate crisis is an issue that cannot be grasped easily, does not attract much attention, and although it is vital, it cannot have an impact on societies and individuals. It is generally recognized that a better understanding of what the climate crisis is and what it means for organizations and individuals alike is essential. It is also a fact that there is a need to identify approaches, processes, methods and tools that can help better communication regarding the climate crisis and transform it into a cultural policy. In this study, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) working on the climate crisis and the environment and trying to create perception and awareness on this issue were examined. The study was carried out using LDA, one of the natural language processing methods mentioned in the method section. In this context, all tweets made by NGOs in the Twitter application between 2020 and 2021 were examined, and which themes were discussed by NGOs with the LDA topic modeling method. As a result of the research; It has been determined that the topic sharing of NGOs, which are climate actors, in the years 2020-2021 is gathered under 9 main themes. The discourses of NGOs are as follows; It was observed that it was discussed around 19.5% biodiversity, 13.3% climate, 11.7% sustainability, 10.2% environment, 10.1% activism, 9.8% other, 9% information, 8.4% social responsibility, 8% mining. Our research aims to draw attention to the issue of climate communication, which has not yet been studied in the Turkish communication literature, and to increase the academic orientation in adapting digital methods such as LDA to communication sciences.

The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication, 12(4)
Kemal Gunay
Kemal Gunay
Computational Social Scientist